> Services > The coulds

These are the COULD do’s

Company Administration

Company legislation requires businesses to perform many administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The Companies Act has a range of penalties if these administrative tasks are not completed properly. Stem has developed a comprehensive Company Administration procedure which means these tasks are taken care of for you.

Trust Administration

As a Trustee you have obligations to the beneficiaries. This means you have to make sure any decisions you make are well documented and will stand up to possible scrutiny in the future. At Stem we have developed a comprehensive Trust Administration system which will help to ensure your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed.

Strategic Planning

The pressures of daily business can often mean that strategic planning takes a back seat – but to have a successful business you must plan ahead. We’ll help you establish a strategic plan that looks at where you want your business to be in the next 3-5 years and exactly how you and your team can achieve these aims and objectives.

Succession Planning

To ensure the long term success of your business, it is critical to establish a well-designed succession plan. Coordination of the transition of your business to your successors can be an arduous process. However, with our years of experience we can address the complex issues of business continuation, taking the stress off your shoulders.

Estate Planning

As unpleasant as the task is, estate planning is one of the necessities in life. It allows peace of mind knowing that your hard earned assets will be dealt with in the manner you choose. All estate plans require carefully prepared and structured documentation to ensure your needs are met. At Stem we are experienced in estate planning, and will work with you to ensure that your succession plan for your assets will be held to.

Selling a Business

Getting your business ready for sale will allow you to improve the price you are able to achieve for it. We can work with you through this process.


We can provide you with software and advice to thoroughly systemise your business. Our integrated software solution enables your team to easily and quickly find any system, checklist, form, spreadsheet, standard letter, template or other standard document. We use this software ourselves and would be happy to demonstrate it at a time that suits you.

Farm from the front foot with Figured

Figured is online farm financial management software that offers farmers a better way to financially manage their farming operations.

Livestock tracking, farm budgeting and forecasting tools work seamlessly with our online accounting software, Xero, enabling you to confidently plan and reforecast with realtime information when conditions change.

For our dairy farmers Figured has access to your production figures as well as the current milksolids price.

To learn how Figured financial management software could work for you.

Call: 07 573 5569
[email protected]